Elise Stevens


Career Tactician

Elise is a Career Tactician and who is passionate about helping people have the work and careers they want.

She helps people get unstuck and move forward with their professional lives, through pragmatic coaching and online courses.

Elise has extensive experience in the corporate sector predominately in the project delivery environment.

You can connect with Elise on the all the social platforms:

Instagram https://www.instagram.com/elisestevens.co/
Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/elisestevens/
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP2zaZ3xT7jQwwJYE9lS1bg

Presentation: What’s next in your career journey?

Being a Business Analyst is a fabulous career. This career offers lots of variety and opportunities. So much more than just a job.

You might be at that stage of your career where you are thinking, what is next for me? If you are, then this session is for you.

We will be discussing traditional and innovative career next steps for business analysts.

This will be a discussion based session, so bring your questions along.