Helen McLeish

Helen McLeish

The inaugural Chief Cyber Security Officer for the East Metropolitan Health Service, Helen has a background in local and state government, and the private and not for profit sectors. Projects, predominantly in the technology domain, have given her an appreciation and admiration for the value that good Business Analysts bring to the table – usually by having to deal with the consequences of not having a good BA!

Workshop: Equip your workplace with the knowledge and understanding of current cyber security risks facing organisations.

Corporates Compromised™ is a cyber security awareness training tool developed by the Cyber Security Cooperative Research Centre (CSCRC) – designed to equip your workplace with the knowledge and understanding of current cyber security risks facing organisations.

  • The simulation walks you through a realistic cyber security incident affecting a fictitious organisation, providing valuable insights and skills to apply to your own business
  • You experience the process in real time, while learning core aspects of an effective cyber security strategy
  • You will learn to link cyber security to critical processes and assets, understand your exposure level, articulate and define your risk appetite and prioritise areas for investment
  • Participants gain knowledge about good cyber security practices such as the CSCRC/AICD Cyber Security Governance Principles and the ASD’s ‘Essential Eight’ through an interactive lens
  • As a team you will explore conflicting priorities and see how risks, threats and your organisation’s response interact