Sponsorship Opportunities


We are delighted to invite your organisation to sponsor the 2025 IIBA Festival of Business Analysis, the premier event for business analysts in Australasia.

The festival will commence with a one-week online program from 13–17 October, followed by in-person sessions across Australia and New Zealand from 20–24 October. Building on the success of 2024, which attracted over 1,200 professionals, this year’s event promises to be even more impactful.

The festival draws a diverse audience of business analysts, IT specialists, data analysts, process analysts, product owners, agile specialists, systems analysts and potentially other disciplines including testers and software engineers from a wide range of industries, including IT, finance, healthcare, government, telecommunications, manufacturing, retail, energy, insurance, education, and consulting. Delegates attend to expand their knowledge, grow their networks, and uncover new opportunities within business analysis.

This event presents a unique opportunity for your organisation to showcase your brand, engage with key decision-makers, and elevate your visibility within a highly engaged and influential community.

On this page, you will find details of the available sponsorship opportunities. Alternatively, we would be happy to discuss tailored packages that align with your business objectives and maximise the value of your participation.

Book a Package

To secure your sponsorship package or to discuss further, please contact us at foba@conferencedesign.com.au

2025 Sponsorship Packages – Australia

The following packages are offered for 2025.

Australia Festival Partner Australia National Sponsor
National $22,000 $9,900
State Gold Sponsor State Silver Sponsor State Bronze Sponsor
Sydney $6,600 $4,400 $2,500
Melbourne $6,600 $4,400 $2,500
Brisbane $5,500 $3,000 $1,500
Adelaide $4,400 $2,500 $1,500
Perth $4,400 $2,500 $1,500

Sponsorship Package Inclusions

Australia – Festival Partner

$22,000 inc. GST – Only x1 available

Take center stage with exclusive naming rights and premium branding across all Australian sites.

Exclusive Benefits: Naming Rights

  • The event will be advertised as the “2025 IIBA Your Name Festival of Business Analysis” and your logo added to all promotional material

Branding Benefits:

  • Acknowledgement as the Festival Partner on the festival website, app, and online conference portal
  • Acknowledgement as the Festival Partner on the IIBA Australia website
  • Acknowledgement as the Festival Partner in IIBA Australia communication
  • Logo & hyperlink on the festival website, app, and online conference portal
  • 200-word profile on the festival website, app, and online conference portal
  • Four (4) PDF e-satchel inserts in the festival app
  • Opt-in attendee list with first name, last name, organisation, and email address
  • Eight (8) social media posts to IIBA Australia’s LinkedIn page acknowledging your support. Opt to provide 1200 px x 627 px image, caption and company handle for tagging.

Onsite Benefits:

  • Acknowledgement as the Festival Partner on an individual sponsor’s slide
  • Acknowledgement as the Festival Partner during the opening session
  • Five (5) minute presentation at each event, including online. Choose to present live or supply a recorded presentation.
  • Two (2) pull up banners displayed onsite where you have representatives attending
  • One (1) trestle table display onsite where you have representatives attending*
  • Four (4) registrations at each event, including the online program (saves up to $13,980)
  • Logo printed on each delegate name badge

*For any events you will not have staff attending, we will display a collection of your brochures at the registration desk.

Australia – National Sponsor

$9,900 inc. GST

Benefit from widespread branding and participation opportunities across all Australian and online events. Includes up to twenty tickets.

Branding Benefits:

  • Acknowledgement as a National Sponsor on the festival website, app, and online conference portal
  • Acknowledgement as a National Sponsor on the IIBA Australia website
  • Acknowledgement as a National Sponsor in IIBA Australia communication
  • Logo & hyperlink on the festival website, app, and online conference portal
  • 200-word profile on the festival website, app, and online conference portal
  • Two (2) PDF e-satchel inserts in the festival app
  • Opt-in attendee list with first name, last name, organisation, and email address
  • Six (6) social media posts to IIBA Australia’s LinkedIn page acknowledging your support.

Onsite Benefits:

  • Acknowledgement as the National Sponsor on an individual sponsor’s slide
  • Acknowledgement as the National Sponsor during the opening session
  • Three (3) minute presentation in the closing session at each event. Choose to present live or supply a recorded presentation.
  • Two (2) pull up banners displayed onsite where you have representatives attending
  • Ten (10) in-person registrations across the in-person events in Australia and ten (10) registrations for the online program (saves up to $11,980)

State – Gold Sponsor

Maximise your impact with premium visibility and exclusive onsite benefits at your selected event. Limited number available per state.

Price per state (inc. GST):

  • Sydney $6,600
  • Melbourne $6,600
  • Brisbane $5,500
  • Adelaide $4,400
  • Perth $4,400

Branding Benefits:

  • Acknowledgement as a State Gold Sponsor on the festival website, app, and online conference portal
  • Acknowledgement as a State Gold Sponsor on the IIBA Australia website
  • Acknowledgement as a State Gold Sponsor in IIBA Australia communication
  • Logo & hyperlink on the festival website, app, and online conference portal
  • 200-word profile on the festival website, app, and online conference portal
  • Three (3) PDF e-satchel inserts in the festival app
  • Opt-in attendee list with first name, last name, organisation, and email address for the sponsored location.

Onsite Benefits:

  • Acknowledgement as a State Gold Sponsor on a combined sponsor’s slide at your selected event
  • Acknowledgement as a State Gold Sponsor during the opening session at your selected event
  • One (1) pull up banner displayed at your trestle table
  • One (1) trestle table display onsite
  • Four (4) registrations at your selected event, including the online program (saves up to $2,796)

State – Silver Sponsor

Achieve strong recognition and onsite engagement opportunities with this balanced sponsorship package.

Price per state (inc. GST):

  • Sydney $4,400
  • Melbourne $4,400
  • Brisbane $3,000
  • Adelaide $2,500
  • Perth $2,500

Branding Benefits:

  • Acknowledgement as a State Silver Sponsor on the festival website, app, and online conference portal
  • Acknowledgement as a State Silver Sponsor on the IIBA Australia website
  • Acknowledgement as a State Silver Sponsor in IIBA Australia communication
  • Logo & hyperlink on the festival website, app, and online conference portal
  • 200-word profile on the festival website, app, and online conference portal
  • Two (2) PDF e-satchel inserts in the festival app

Onsite Benefits:

  • Acknowledgement as a State Silver Sponsor on a combined sponsor’s slide at your selected event
  • Acknowledgement as a State Silver Sponsor during the opening session at your selected event
  • One (1) pull up banners displayed onsite in the exhibition space
  • Two (2) registrations at your selected event, including the online program (saves up to $1,398)

State – Bronze Sponsor

Establish your presence with essential branding and a cost-effective sponsorship option.

Price per state (inc. GST):

  • Sydney $2,500
  • Melbourne $2,500
  • Brisbane $1,500
  • Adelaide $1,500
  • Perth $1,500

Branding Benefits:

  • Acknowledgement as a State Bronze Sponsor on the festival website, app, and online conference portal
  • Acknowledgement as a State Bronze Sponsor on the IIBA Australia website
  • Acknowledgement as a State Bronze Sponsor in IIBA Australia communication
  • Logo & hyperlink on the festival website, app, and online conference portal
  • 100-word profile on the festival website, app, and online conference portal
  • One (1) PDF e-satchel inserts in the festival app

Onsite Benefits:

  • Acknowledgement as a Bronze Sponsor on a combined sponsor’s slide at your selected event
  • Acknowledgement as a Bronze Sponsor during the opening session at your selected event
  • One (1) registration at your selected event, including the online program (saves up to $699)

Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions apply to organisations and their staff (you, your organisation, your group) participating in this event (the event) being organised by Conference Design Pty Ltd on behalf of the Host (us, we, Conference Design, the Host). By participating in the event, you are deemed to have agreed to these terms and conditions. It is your responsibility to ensure all your staff participant are aware of these terms and conditions.


Acceptance of all applications is subject to our approval and we reserves the right to decline any application.


Payment is required within 14-days of Conference Design issuing your tax invoice. Sponsorship and exhibition entitlements, including the allocation of exhibition space, do not commence until payment has been received.

Currency and GST

All prices are quoted in Australian Dollars (AUD$) and include GST, unless otherwise stated.

Confirmation of Bookings and Tax Invoice

You will be sent a confirmation email with a PDF Tax Invoice.

Point of Contact & Conference Updates

You will provide a single point of contact when booking to coordinate your participation. All information and updates be sent via email to your point of contact.

EFT Payments

Please include the EFT Reference shown on your Tax Invoice when submitting an EFT and email Conference Design the details including date, amount and your bank’s reference.

BSB: 017 010

Account #: 1085 82575
Account Name: Conference Design Pty Ltd
Bank: ANZ Bank, 61 Liverpool Street, Hobart 7000
Swift Code: ANZBAU3M

Credit Card Payments

Credit card charges appear as Conference Design Pty Ltd on your card statement. When using the online payment system credit card transactions will be processed directly by ANZ eGate and Conference Design does not store or transmit your credit card details. ANZ eGate is a secure and PCI compliant platform.

Attendee Numbers

We will promote the event to maximise participation, but we do not guarantee a minimum number of attendees either onsite or online.

Package Inclusions & Associated Costs

Refer to the sponsor and exhibitor prospectus for inclusions for each package. All costs associated with your inclusions in the event will be borne solely by you and we shall have no liability for any costs unless we have explicitly agreed in writing.

No Cancellation of your Booking

All payments are non-refundable once an application has been accepted. If you are no longer able to attend the event, please contact Conference Design to discuss your participation.

Cancellation or Postponement of an In-person Event

We do not accept any liability for losses incurred, including but not limited to travel, accommodation, exhibition and displays, or any other costs or expenses, if the in-person Event is cancelled or postponed due to an unforeseen circumstances or any occurrence that renders performance of the Event inadvisable, illegal, impracticable or impossible in our sole opinion. An unforeseen event could include, but is not limited to, an infectious disease outbreak; industrial disruptions; service provider failures; governmental restrictions or regulations; war or apparent act of war; terrorism or apparent act of terrorism; disaster; civil disorder, disturbance, and/or riots; curtailment, suspension or restriction on transportation; or any other emergency.
If an in-person conference is cancelled or postponed, refunds will not be issued but available funds will be credited towards an online conference or a in-person conference.

Moving to an Entirely Online Event

If we believe, at our sole discretion, that a hybrid or in-person event needs to be held entirely online, all bookings will be transferred to the online event. The package fees will be revised to reflect an online format and you will be refunded any difference between the in-person and online package fees. Full refunds of sponsor and exhibitor bookings will not be available due to an event moving online.


We reserve the right to change any and all aspects of the event, including but not limited to, the name, themes, content, program, speakers, format, performers, hosts, moderators, venues, and times. We reserve the right to amend or remove any sponsorship package, exhibition package or exhibition floor plan.


Every effort has been made to present all the information accurately, however, we do not accept any liability for any inaccuracies in any published information. We will correct any published information as soon as possible and advise you as soon as possible.

Code of Conduct and Disruptive Behaviour

You agree your representatives will abide by the Conference Code of Conduct.

Revocation of Participation

We may revoke an agreement with you, if we believe, in our sole opinion, the participation of an organisation is prejudicial to the interests and objectives of the event Host.

Product or Service Endorsement

Your participation in the event or sponsorship of any activity does not indicate endorsement of your products or services and must not be stated or inferred in any way.


No insurance is provided. All sponsors and exhibitors must have adequate insurance for the period of the conference, including public and product liability cover and professional indemnity insurance. You may need to provide a certificate of currency to confirm your participation onsite.


You  shall indemnify and hold harmless the Host and Conference Design for any loss, damage to property or injury to persons suffered as a result of your participation in the conference, except where the Host or Conference Design are found to be negligent.

Supply of Goods and Services

The supply of any goods, services, samples or advice is entirely at your own risk.


Valuable items should NOT be left unattended at your exhibition space at any time. No responsibility is accepted for any loss or damage to equipment and display materials.


Anyone from your organisation attending the conference or guests you wish to invite to the conference must register with Conference Design before the conference. An official name badge will be required to access the in-person meeting and exhibition areas.

Registration Terms and Conditions

All terms and conditions listed on the Registration page apply to your representatives.

Opt-in Delegate List

The opt-in delegate list will be supplied to eligible sponsors and exhibitors prior to the conference and will include name, organisation, state and email address. The list provided will exclude the names of delegates who have not provided their consent.

Interactive Exhibitions

Whilst we encourage you to develop entertaining and interactive displays to attract delegates, please be mindful not to disturb other exhibitors or delegates.

Signage at the venue

Your signage should be free standing to allow for easy placement and should be contained with your exhibition space.

Damage to the Venue

You indemnify us from all liability for damage to the venue deemed to have been caused by your staff, contractors, agents or guests. The cost of repairs will be the sole responsibility of your organisation.