Lindsay Tighe MBA

Lindsay Tighe MBA

Position: Author, speaker and coach
Company: Better Questions

Lindsay is a highly regarded author, speaker and coach. Her passion is helping people to see that the way they are unconsciously communicating can be detrimental to others and her mission is to teach people some simple strategies to enable them to communicate more effectively to have better relationships and get better results.

She has been delivering her thought provoking and often, life changing, workshops for nearly 20 years and has now enabled 1000’s of people to transform the way they are communicating for the better. She has published 9 books and has also developed an extensive range of resources, including online programs, to support and inspire people to access and implement her teaching.

Lindsay’s website is and she regularly writes blogs and posts updates on social media to challenge us all to be better communicators to create a better world.

Presentation: The Communication Looking Glass

Critical to your success in your role as a Business Analyst is the way you are communicating. Often our communication is done habitually and unconsciously and, whilst there are no apparent issues with what we are doing, this way of communicating may well be detrimental to the outcomes that are achieved. By taking some time to stop and think about this aspect of our role there is no doubt that we can be more successful and enable better results.

In this thought-provoking session, Lindsay Tighe will help to highlight some communication traps that rarely get highlighted and, in the process, will be able to share some simple and powerful strategies that undoubtedly will enable greater success. Not only will you be able to apply what you learn to your professional role, you will see how these strategies can be applied in your communication more broadly to enable better relationships and outcomes to be achieved in all areas of your life.

BABOK V3 Alignment: To be Advised