Phillip CregeenPosition: President Biography Phil is has worked for 20 years in IT, internationally in Europe and Canada and here in NZ, currently employed as a business analyst working in government and telecommunications. He originally started as a developer in business intelligence before eventually becoming a business analyst, gaining his Certified Business Analysis Professional™ (CBAP®) qualification in 2015. Of particular interest to Phil is
Phil understands the value of learning and teaching through the IIBA, having taught many students through running IIBA Accelerators Study groups and has been a capability lead in charge of over 50 business analysts. “I consider this an absolute honour to represent the needs of the New Zealand BA profession through the IIBA and want to make the most of this opportunity to get study groups working again across New Zealand including in remote areas. I also want people to reach out to us at the IIBA for help – we have a strong network to truly support BAs regardless of geography, level of knowledge and meeting people face-to-face through IIBA meetup groups.” Please contact Phil with any questions or feedback at or LinkedIn – he will be more than happy to help!
Presentation: Panel Presentation
Join Phillip Cregeen, IIBA NZ President, Yvonne Bishop, IIBA NZ Past President and Georgiana Mannion, IIBA Aust Vice President for a lively chat on working in different countries and cities. Considering “crossing the ditch” as they say? This is the panel you want to be involved in. You will have plenty of opportunity to ask questions across the hour as you learn all there is to know about working abroad. |