Prasanthni Kalyanasundaram


Data Science Delivery Lead, Coles, Melbourne

Ms. Prasanthni Kalyanasundaram is a Data Science Delivery Lead – Coles in Melbourne. She is also a passionate speaker, Meta Learning Coach and a Corporate Trainer. She has certifications in Business Analysis, Project management, Agile Practices and Enterprise Architecture. She draws experiences from her 17+ years of corporate career serving diverse roles in Finance, Logistics and Healthcare industries across US, Singapore, Ireland, India and now Australia.

Presentation: What should a Business Analyst know as a knowledge Co-Creator?

One of the key skills of Business Analysts is their ability to learn and adapt quickly. Also, BAs needs to process of lot of information to make justice to their recommendations as well to keep all the stakeholders in harmony. This presentation on “What should BA know as a Knowledge Co-Creator” will introduce the audience to the Theory of Knowledge Creation, SECI model and the concept of Personal Knowledge Management System. It will also provide them with some practical tips on how effectively they can cultivate this knowledge creation process and be more successful in their continuous learning and professional growth.