Susie Moore

Director | Moore2it

Susie Moore is a Certified Business Architecture (CBA)® Practitioner, who is passionate about helping visionary leaders bring their strategies to life through the process of blueprinting. Susie has over 16 years of experience across many industries including oil, gas, mining, banking, government agencies, utilities, entertainment, and not-for-profit. She lives for the moment of clarity when faces are illuminated and the energy shifts from resisting to leaning in



Presentation: How Business Architecture & Analysis can be your superpower to navigate complex transformations

As our community knows, digital transformation is more than technology—it’s a comprehensive shift in how organisations operate. This talk examines how the framework of Business Architecture and Business Analysis play a pivotal role in orchestrating successful transformations. Learn a simple yet powerful framework to visually represent your transformation scope across value streams, business process modelling, technology, information and people. This framework has helped me architect business solutions, maintain strategic alignment and mitigate risks with transformation leaders.