Dr Mark Griffin

Dr Mark Griffin

In the question of who is sexier, Data Scientist or Business Analyst, Mark doesn’t come out on top. Mark is a Data Scientist (self-confession!!).

Mark currently holds five degrees in maths, stats, and IT (including a Bachelor of Computer Engineering, Masters in Medical Statistics, and PhD in Mathematics).

Mark is the CEO of Insight Business Management, Analytics & Market Research. He is probably the most active presenter of short courses in statistics in Australia (having now presented over 100 two-day and 50 five-day workshops). He also works on datasets all the way from 100 to 100,000 observations.

Presentation: “Sexiest Job of the 21st Century” … Data Scientist or Business Analyst?

The job of the Data Scientist is often cited as the “Sexiest Job of the 21st Century”, but is that really the case?  In this presentation the speaker will argue that the job of the Business Analyst will be in higher demand for companies, and how BA’s can improve their sexiness!!

The world over we know that “data is the new oil”, that companies (in all sectors) can obtain true business value from novel insights from the data. When we think about the work involved in creating new data insights we often think about complex mathematical equations and pages and pages of numbers. However in the world of high performance computers and massive datasets there is often minimal gain from simply using more advanced mathematics. The gains typically come from two places – one company asking questions of the data that their rivals haven’t asked (and hence obtaining data insights that their rivals don’t have), and companies identifying new sources of data that have true business value. Interestingly the stereotypical data scientist (who is an expert in maths, stats and IT) can only provide minimal help in these areas. It requires the Business Analyst, with a true understanding of the business context and just a basic understanding of the key points in data science, who is the true champion in identifying the questions and datasets that could provide true business value.

Hear about the different roles of the data scientist and business analyst, and about how you can increase your skills as a business analyst working in the analytics sector.