Abstract Submission

Invitation to Submit

We invite you to submit an abstract for consideration for the [Conference] being held from [Conference Dates] in [Destination].

The conference is the region’s premier meeting bringing together academics, researchers, experts, professionals, and early career researchers to share their knowledge, insights, and innovations in [Theme/Topic]. The conference offers meaningful exchanges, discussions, and networking with professionals across our region and internationally. This conference is a crucial platform for advancing knowledge, fostering collaboration, and promoting excellence in our diverse scientific community.

We encourage you to take this opportunity to present your research, innovative programs, and significant findings to an engaged audience of professionals in the community. Presentations at the conference enrich the discussions and contribute to the growth of knowledge in our field.

We offer various presentation formats, including oral presentations, impact presentations, posters, research presentations, case studies, industry updates and workshops, to ensure a diverse and engaging program.

We encourage submissions from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander professionals, students, researchers, educators, and community workers, and from early-career professionals and researchers.

Presentations are encouraged to be focused on original research, case studies, frameworks, or practical applications relevant to the [Theme/Topic]. Submissions will be reviewed by our program committee to ensure the selection of high-quality contributions for presentation.

To submit your abstract, please visit our submission portal on this website and follow the instructions provided. Please don’t hesitate to contact our conference managers, at mail@conferencedesign.com.au, if you have any questions.

We look forward to receiving your abstract and having you join us for an inspiring and stimulating conference.

Kind regards,

Conference Convener

Submit an Abstract

Important Dates

  • Call for Presentations Open
    October 2023
  • Call for Presentations Close
    Early 2024
  • Presenter Registration Closes
    August 2024
  • Conference Starts 
    17 October 2024

Abstract Submission Instructions

All abstracts are submitted online via the portal above.

1. Prepare your Abstract

  • Title: Use a descriptive title of up to fifteen words that indicates the content of the abstract. Titles are printed in uppercase.
  • Authors:  Include the given name and family name of every contributing author, separated by a comma.
  • Affiliations: Include each author’s organization, suburb, state, and email address (optional). The presenter will be indicated in the program, not the abstract.
  • Abstract: Prepare a 250-word abstract for all presentation types including:
    • The purpose of the presentation
    • The nature and scope of the topic
    • The issue or problem under consideration
    • The outcome of the conclusion reached.
  • Abstract: Prepare a 250-word abstract for all presentation types including the following headings and sections:
    • Aims
    • Methods
    • Results
    • Conclusions

2. Corresponding Author

Open the submission portal and enter the contact details of the corresponding author.

3. Abstract Submission Details

You will need to enter the following details for each abstract you submit:

  • Presentation title (15 words)
  • Abstract (250 words)
  • Preferred presentation format
  • Preferred theme
  • Names of authors
  • Affiliations of authors
  • Indicate the presenter.
  • Short biography of the presenter (100 words)

Presenter Registration

All presenters must register for the conference and pay the appropriate registration fee. Presenters also need to meet their own travel and accommodation costs.


The submitting author will be the only point of contact for all communication regarding the abstract, including acceptance notification.

Travel Grants & Scholarships

The conference will not be able to offer any travel grants or scholarships to present or attend. Presenters need to meet their own travel and accommodation costs.

Abstract Guidelines

  • Abstracts must be original and unpublished.
  • You must declare a potential conflict of interest.
  • Ensure that your abstract is grammatically correct and free of other errors.
  • Use single spacing for all text.
  • Do not use abbreviations in the title of the abstract
  • When using abbreviations in the abstract, spell them out in full at the first mention
  • Capitalize the first letter in trade names.
  • Abstracts should NOT contain references, tables, or figures.
  • Accepted abstracts will appear exactly as submitted.
  • Industry representatives are welcome to submit an abstract for consideration, however, submissions that are commercially or sales-focused will not be considered

Presentation Themes

Select one of the following theme options when submitting your abstracts.

  1. Theme 1
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
  2. Theme 2
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
  3. Theme 3
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
  4. Theme 4
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
  5. Theme 5
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
  6. Theme 6
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
  7. Theme 7
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
  8. Theme 8
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
  9. Theme 9
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  10. Theme 10
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Presentation Formats

You are asked to note a preferred presentation format when submitting as there are limited places, particularly for oral presentations, the committee may request that you consider an alternative format. Authors will be advised and asked to confirm if they wish to present in the new format.

Oral Presentations

Oral presentations will be allocated 15 minutes, including 3 minutes for question time. Oral presentations will be grouped into 60 or 90-minute sessions on a common theme.

  • A 15-minute presentation, including 3 minutes for questions.

Impact | Lightning Presentations

Impact or Lightning presentations are short, focused oral talks that allow presenters to quickly share a concise overview of their research or a specific aspect of their work. Lightning talks will be part of a session featuring multiple presenters.

  • A 3-minute presentation
  • A maximum of 2 PowerPoint slides including the title slide
  • Impact presentations will be complemented by a poster. See the poster description for details.

Panel Discussions

Panel discussions provide diverse perspectives and encourage interactive exchanges on a topic or theme. Each panelist will present their topic or viewpoint followed by a discussion and audience participation. A moderator will ensure the smooth flow of the session, facilitate interaction between panellists, and incorporate audience questions. Panel sessions provide an opportunity for in-depth exploration of a subject from diverse viewpoints and expertise.

Panel proposals should include the following:

  • The panel topic
  • The moderator’s name and affiliation
  • The panellists names, affiliations, and topics
  • The preferred time of 30, 60 or 90 minutes (including presentations and discussion)


Workshops provide an interactive and hands-on format for in-depth discussions, skill development, or collaborative activities. The workshop will allow participants to engage with facilitators and peers to explore topics or learn new techniques.

Workshop proposals should include the following:

  • The workshop title.
  • The facilitators and their affiliations
  • An overview of the workshop that highlights how it will be interactive for participants.
  • The preferred time of 90, 120 or 180 minutes
  • The maximum number of participants

Symposia Sessions

A symposium session will be chaired by the proposer and will bring together multiple presenters on a common theme or research area. The sessions will comprise a series of presentations and conclude with a discussion panel to provide a cohesive and comprehensive overview of the topic. Attendees of symposia sessions could gain a comprehensive understanding of the topic, as they receive insights from multiple presenters.

Symposia sessions are particularly encouraged for interdisciplinary topics or complex issues that require multiple perspectives, and which provide a platform for attendees to collaborate, exchange ideas, and foster intellectual dialogue.

Symposia proposals should include the following:

  • The symposia title.
  • The session organizer (chair) and their affiliation
  • An Overview of the symposia theme
  • The preferred time of 60 or 90 minutes
  • The name, affiliation, and topic of each presenter in the symposia
  • The time allocated for each presentation and the discussion panel.

Update Presentations

Update presentations will be allocated 10 minutes for presentation in the pop-up stage in the exhibition hall.

Industry Updates

Industry updates will be allocated 10 minutes for presentation in the pop-up stage in the exhibition hall during catering breaks.

Presentations can be interesting case studies or research initiatives. Submissions that are sales-orientated will not be considered. Industry updates will be reviewed by the Program Committee on an open peer-review basis.

Display Posters

Display posters allow for direct interactions with other attendees and facilitate detailed discussions. Posters can present research in progress, projects, clinical topics, quality improvement initiatives, and case studies.

  • An A0-size portrait poster displayed for the duration of the conference.
  • The abstract and a PDF of each poster will be included in the conference app for delegates to view on their smart devices.
  • Presenters will also be asked to attend their poster during a poster viewing session to discuss the poster with other delegates.

Display Poster Dimensions

AO Poster Dimensions
  • AO Portrait
  • 841 mm wide x 1189 mm high
  • 33.1 inches wide x 46.8 inches high
PDF Poster Measurements for the Conference App
  • A4 Portrait
  • 210 wide x 297 mm high


Posters allow for direct interactions with other attendees and facilitate detailed discussions. Posters can present research in progress, projects, clinical topics, quality improvement initiatives, and case studies.

  • ePosters will be prepared and displayed in PowerPoint.
  • One slide in the 16:9 orientation
  • e-Posters will be displayed on large flat-screen monitors in the exhibition area.
  • ePosters will rotate automatically and each poster will be shown for approximately one minute.
  • Delegates will be able to pause individual posters to view them in more detail.
  • There will be an index to allow delegates to find an individual poster.
  • The abstract and a PDF of each ePoster will be included in the conference app for delegates to view on their smart devices.

ePoster Dimensions

ePoster Dimensions
  • One PowerPoint slide
  • 16:9 orientation
PDF Poster Dimensions for the Conference App
  • PowerPoint slide printed to A4 in landscape orientation.

Review & Selection Process

Open Peer-Review

The Program Committee will peer review all submitted abstracts in open collaboration.

Single-Blind Review

Each abstract will be reviewed by two reviewers against a scoring rubric.

Double-Blind Review

Authors and affiliations will be removed from each abstract and they will be reviewed by two reviewers against a scoring rubric.

Selection Process

The Program Committee will allocate presentations to the program considering the score of the abstract, recommendations from reviewers, the author’s preference for presentation format, and the balance of the program.

Abstract authors will be notified of acceptance, rejection or change of format via email at the date specified above. Presenters are then required to confirm their acceptance and their participation in the conference. Unsuccessful abstracts submitted for oral presentation will be offered a poster presentation if the selection criteria are met. No correspondence will be entered into as to why individual abstracts did not receive an oral presentation.


All submissions will be reviewed against set criteria to ensure consistency and fairness in the review process.

  • Relevance: The extent to which the abstract aligns with the conference theme or topics of interest.
  • Originality: The novelty and uniqueness of the research or ideas presented in the abstract.
  • Clarity: The clarity and coherence of the abstract in terms of organization, structure, and language usage.
  • Significance: The significance and potential impact of the research or ideas presented in the abstract.
  • Methodology or Approach: The appropriateness and rigour of the research methodology or approach described in the abstract.
  • Results or Findings: The clarity and relevance of the reported results or findings in the abstract.
  • Conclusions or Implications: The clarity and logical connections between the results or findings and the conclusions or implications drawn in the abstract.
  • Contribution to the Field: The extent to which the abstract contributes to advancing knowledge or practice in the field.
  • Overall Quality: An assessment of the overall quality of the abstract, including its readability, coherence, and adherence to formatting guidelines.

Submission & Presentation Information

Authors’ Permission

By submitting an abstract all authors are deemed to have agreed to release the content to the conference organizers and give permission to publish the abstract and presentation in all conference publications including on the website, in the app and printed material.

Presenter Guidelines

A set of guidelines to assist presenters will be made available before the conference.

Cancellations or Change of Presenter

Please avoid late cancellations or changing the presenter as material will be pre-printed with the speaker’s name and organization and cannot be changed at a later date. If you need to cancel or change the presenter, please advise Conference Design at mail@conferencedesign.com.au as early as possible.

Prizes and Awards

See the Awards page for the presentation awards offered.

Disclosure Of Interest Statement

We recognize the considerable contribution that industry partners make to professional and research activities. We also recognize the need for transparency and the disclosure of potential conflicts of interest by acknowledging these relationships in publications and presentations. Where relevant, all authors must include a disclosure of interest statement in their abstract and if accepted in their presentation. For example, The Melon Institute and Metabolism Corp are funded by the University of Oxbridge, UK. No pharmaceutical grants were received in the development of this study.

Medical Technology Association of Australia Code of Practice

If your presentation refers to medical devices, your abstract and presentation must comply with the Medical Technology Association of Australia Code of Practice.

Speaker Biography

A brief biography of the presenter is to be provided when you submit your abstract. Biographies may include the presenter’s position, career details and major work achievements. Biographies should be written in the third person. If your abstract is accepted, your biography will be used when introducing you as a speaker at the conference.

Uploading Your Presentations and Posters

You will be sent links to upload your PowerPoint slides and posters via Drobox.

Publishing your Presentation in the Online Portal

Presentations will be made available to registered delegates for viewing in the online portal for three months unless you advise otherwise. Any additional files authors choose to share via the online portal, as well as live Q & A/panel discussions, will also be available to view during and after the presentation. Access to the portal will be password protected and limited to conference registrants. If presentations are to be used or published in any other format or forum, your specific consent will be requested.

Permission for Material Presented

Please ensure you have documented permission to use any images, music or other content in your abstract and presentation. Do not include any images copied from the internet. Getty Images and other image agencies crawl the internet looking for images that have been copied without the appropriate licenses. You are liable for all copyright infringements that arise from your presentation.

 Copyright and Ownership of Material

All materials, including but not limited to presentations, slides, posters, abstracts, papers, and any other written or visual content presented at the event, are the intellectual property of us or the respective authors and presenters. The authors or presenters retain ownership rights to their materials.

Will People be Able to Record or Download My Presentation?

During the registration process, attendees agree to the conference Terms & Conditions, which include rules on unauthorized photography and recording of conference material. We cannot enforce this rule completely, so presenters should assume a participant may take unauthorized photographs, screenshots, audio, or video recordings. You may wish to adjust the content of your presentation accordingly. Presentations in the online portal and conference app are available only to view and cannot be downloaded.

Audio Visual Equipment Available

Each session room will be equipped with the following equipment:

  • A presentation laptop running Windows 10 or 11
  • Data projector
  • Screen
  • Lectern
  • Microphone, including sound for your presentation
  • A clicker to progress your slides
  • A laser pointer or mouse for pointing

All slides will be run from the presentation computer.

If you have a complex presentation, which includes multiple media files, we suggest you bring your laptop as a backup in case of difficulties loading your presentation.

If you use a Mac, have a complex presentation or require a specific or uncommon program, we suggest you bring your laptop as a backup in case of difficulties loading your presentation. You will need to arrange this in advance with the AV technicians. Please provide any specific audio-visual requirements to the Conference Secretariat at mail@conferencedesign.com.au.

PowerPoint Presentation Tips

  • All presentations should be in PowerPoint.
  • PowerPoint should be in a 16:9 aspect ratio.
  • Video and audio clips should be embedded in your slides rather than linked to external files.
  • There should be no more than 5 x 1-line bullet points per slide.
  • The optimum title text is 45 – 55 points and no smaller than 36 points.
  • Body text should be at least 26 points.
  • Avoid UPPERCASE letters as they are hard to read.
  • Please keep to the time limit of your presentation

Speaker Preparation Room

Please bring your presentation to the conference on a USB stick as a backup. Go to Speaker’s Preparation room at least 4 hours before or the day before your presentation. A technician will be available to load and check your presentation and to discuss any audio-visual queries you may have. If you are not providing slides for your presentation, please advise the AV technician in the Speaker’s Preparation room 4 hours before your session.

Online Oral Presentations

For online presenters, it is anticipated your presentation will be streamed live to delegates via Zoom meetings. Presenters can share their screens and present slides using the standard Zoom meetings functionality. Presenters will need to supply a copy of their slides before the conference as a backup in case of technical difficulty.

Writing an Abstract

An abstract is a short document that captures the interest of potential attendees of your session. Your abstract should engage the reader by telling them what your presentation is about. The title of the proposed presentation is also important; short attention-catching titles are the most effective, however, it is also important to ensure that the title describes the subject.

These are questions to consider when writing your abstract.

  • Does the title succinctly describe the topic?
  • Does the abstract clearly state the topic of the presentation?
  • Does the abstract say how the research or project was or is being undertaken?
  • Does the abstract give a concise summary of the findings?
  • Does the abstract indicate the value of the findings and whom the findings will benefit?
  • Does the abstract engage the reader by telling them why they should attend the presentation?
  • Is the abstract well written in terms of conciseness, language, and grammar?
  • Does the abstract conform to the structure outlined and the word limit?

While the format of your abstract will vary with the topic and type of information you are presenting, most abstracts will include the following:

  • Background of the project or initiative,
  • Method of research or project implementation,
  • Results of the project or research
  • Discussion of the outcomes and implications.

Finally, your abstract should not include diagrams or images; references are not required in the abstract.