Dr Eva Balan-Vnuk


Executive Director | Chief Information Officer, Department of the Premier and Cabinet, South Australia

Eva is responsible for the strategic leadership and delivery of critical whole of government technology and cyber security services for South Australia Government in order to benefit citizens, businesses and public servants. Prior to this role, Eva worked for Microsoft in Europe, Asia and Australia, most recently as State Director for Microsoft South Australia. Eva has a PhD in innovation and entrepreneurship from the University of Adelaide with her thesis focused on the financial viability of non-profit social enterprises.

In 2016, with a group of similarly-minded women, Eva established HerTechPath Incorporated to celebrate and inspire careers for women and girls in the technology sector. HerTechPath provides an easy way for women working in the technology sector in South Australia to give back by delivering briefings to high schools to inspire and be visible role models for girls to encourage them to consider careers in this disruptive, exciting and important sector.

Presentation: Developing a customer-centric culture

SA Government is seeking to become more customer-centric in the way we design and deliver services to businesses and the community – how do we support the mindset and resilience of our teams to adjust the way we work?